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Changes: 1.75 - Fix #87: The indent optimization was causing wrong indentation of lines preceded by a line ending with '}' when preceded by non white characters. - Fix long standing non-reported regex escaping issue in cleaning end of line comments function. This should help fixing some other unreported issues when parts of codes are commented out at ends of lines... Changes: 1.74 - Fix #86: Add support for `match` expression. Changes: 1.73 - Fix #77 where multi line strings and true/false keywords at beginning of a line would cause indentation failures. Changes: 1.72 - Fix vim/vim#5722 where it was reported that the option PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel had not been working for the last 6 years. Changes: 1.71 - Fix #75 where the indent script would hang on some multi-line quoted strings. Changes: 1.70 - Rename PHP_IndentFunctionParameters to PHP_IndentFunctionCallParameters and also implement PHP_IndentFunctionDeclarationParameters. - Update documentation. Changes: 1.69 - Fix vim/vim#4562 where Vim would freeze on multiline-string declarations ending with a comma. - Fix #69: Indenting was incorrect for closures with single-line `use` statements. - Always indent `^\s*[)\]]` according to their opening counterpart. This is slower but computers have improved in the last 15 years... - Implement feature request #71: added option PHP_IndentFunctionParameters to be set to the number of additional indents you want for your function parameters. - Fix #60 where multiline-string declarations endings with nothing else before would break indentation. - Fix unreported issue where a comment ending with a ', " or ` would stop indentation after this line. Changes: 1.68 - Fix #68: end(if|for|foreach|while|switch) identifiers were treated as here doc ending indentifiers and set at column 0. - WIP: More work on #67: arrow matching involving () not behaving as expected (better but not perfect). Changes: 1.67 - Fix #67: chained calls indentation was aligning on the first matching '->' instead of the last one. Changes: 1.66 - Add support for return type declaration on multi-line function declarations (issue #64) - Fix to multi-line function declaration argument indentation (issue #63) Changes: 1.65 - Functions declared as returning references were not indented properly (issue #62). Changes: 1.64 - Always ignore case when using syntax highlighting names (issue #52) - Fix bug introduced in 1.63 (the content of anonymous function declarations preceded by a '->' was no longer indented correctly) (issue #59) - Add a new PHP_noArrowMatching option to disable '->' indentation matching on multi-line chained calls (issue #59). Changes: 1.63 - Fix chained multi-line '->' indentation (issue #54 and #59) - Fix array indentation when PHP_vintage_case_default_indent is set (issue #58) Changes: 1.62 - Fix some multi-line block declaration interferences (issue #49) - Fix Grouped 'use' declaration (issue #48) - Fix array index issue with function call (issue #54) - Add anonymous class declaration support (issue #55) Changes: 1.61 - Prevent multi-line strings declaration from breaking indentation. (issue #47) Changes: 1.60 - Multi-line indenting could get wrong whenever started on a commented line. (issue #44) Changes: 1.59 - Add support for optional spaces before and double quotes around (Here|Now)Document identifiers (issue #40) Changes: 1.58 - Check shiftwidth() instead of 'shiftwidth' (will use the 'tabstop' value if 'shiftwidth' is 0) Changes: 1.57 - Fix an unreported non-blocking syntax error (VimLint) Changes: 1.56 - Enhance closure support in array definition - Correctly indent line starting by a /**/ comment - Don't indent last line of multiline string declarations. Changes: 1.55 - Remove optimization related to labels detection that could trigger indent issues when URLs are found in comments at end of lines... Changes: 1.54 - Add support for 'phpDocComment' syntax identifier Changes: 1.53 - Add support for `label:` (used with `goto`) - Add `0]` to indentkeys Changes: 1.52 - Fix an edge case in conditional block declarations when the ')' of the condition is put on the same line as the following '{' (complement to issue #4) Changes: 1.51 - Fix issue #34 where indentation could get wrong with arrays defined using the short [] declaration. Changes: 1.50 - Allow the PHP_autoformatcomment option (default on) to work for any filetype containing 'php'. Changes: 1.49 - Added 'finally' as a block starter Changes: 1.48 - The 'use' keyword is now seen as a block starter (as used to handle trait conflicts resolution). - Fix a issue with lines following a {} block defined on a single line if this {} block was just beneath a '{' Changes: 1.47 - Code in traits was not indented Changes: 1.46 - Fix issue #32 ('case:/default:' indentation issues in complex 'switch' blocks) Changes: 1.45 - Implemented support for multi-line block declarations (issue #4). - Other small and very specific issues were discovered and fixed while implementing this. Changes: 1.44 - Fix issue #31 introduced in 1.43 Changes: 1.43 - Fix issue #17 where closures' content would get extra indenting. Changes: 1.42 - Added support (with some restrictions) for multi-line string declarations (issue #22). Changes: 1.41 - Fix handing of ^}\s*else\n{ blocks which were not detected as new blocks and resulted in wrong indentation. - Fix issue #23 where the script could hang in some specific cases involving closing braces at column 0; - Fix issue #6 where nested switches would not indent correctly. Changes: 1.40 - Added the 'final' keyword as a block starter so final classes' code is indented correctly. - No longer add 'w' to formatoptions VIm' setting as no other file-type plug-in uses it by default. This prevents leaving trailing white spaces when text wrapping. Changes: 1.39 - Also add 'StorageClass' syntax identifier (with an uppercase C) as it also exists in the syntax file. Changes: 1.38 - Fix an incredibly old bug that managed to survive unnoticed until today: the PHP code identifier routine was missing a few syntax names (Define, Structure, Storageclass and Exception). If you started indenting on such a line, nothing would happen as the script thought it wasn't actual PHP code... Changes: 1.37 - Fix a bug for inline script element [imicky] - Fix issue #11: https://github.com/2072/PHP-Indenting-for-VIm/issues/11 Changes: 1.36 - Added support for short array declaration (Thanks to Warren Seymour) Changes: 1.35 - New option: PHP_outdentSLComments to add extra indentation to single-line comments. Changes: 1.34 - Fix: string with /* would be treated as comment start when using single quote. (Thanks to Manic Chuang for the fix) Changes: 1.33 - Rewrote Switch(){case:default:} handling from scratch in a simpler more logical and infallible way... - Removed PHP_ANSI_indenting which is no longer needed. Changes: 1.32b - Added PHP_ANSI_indenting and PHP_outdentphpescape options details to VIm documentation (:help php-indent). Changes: 1.32 - Added a new option: PHP_ANSI_indenting Changes: 1.31a - Added a new option: PHP_outdentphpescape to indent PHP tags as the surrounding code. Changes: 1.30 - Fixed empty case/default indentation again :/ - The ResetOptions() function will be called each time the ftplugin calls this script, previously it was executed on BufWinEnter and Syntax events. Changes: 1.29 - Fixed php file detection for ResetOptions() used for comments formatting. It now uses the same tests as filetype.vim. ResetOptions() will be correctly called for *.phtml, *.ctp and *.inc files. Changes: 1.28 - End HEREDOC delimiters were not considered as such if they were not followed by a ';'. - Added support for NOWDOC tags ($foo = <<<'bar') Changes: 1.27 - if a "case" was preceded by another "case" on the previous line, the second "case" was indented incorrectly. Changes: 1.26 - '/*' character sequences found on a line starting by a '#' were not dismissed by the indenting algorithm and could cause indentation problem in some cases. Changes: 1.25 - Fix some indentation errors on multi line conditions and multi line statements. - Fix when array indenting is broken and a closing ');' is placed at the start of the line, following lines will be indented correctly. - New option: PHP_vintage_case_default_indent (default off) - Minor fixes and optimizations. Changes: 1.24 - Added compatibility with the latest version of php.vim syntax file by Peter Hodge (https://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1571) This fixes wrong indentation and ultra-slow indenting on large php files... - Fixed spelling in comments. Changes: 1.23 - <script> html tags are now correctly indented the same way their content is. - <?.*?> (on a single line) PHP declarations are now always considered as non-PHP code and let untouched. Changes: 1.22 - PHPDoc comments are now indented according to the surrounding code. - This is also true for '/* */' multi-line comments when the second line begins by a '*'. - Single line '/* */' comments are also indented. Changes: 1.21 - 'try' and 'catch' were not registered as block starters so the '{' after a 'try' or 'catch' could be wrongly indented... (thanks to Gert Muller for finding this issue) Changes: 1.20 - Line beginning by a single or double quote followed by a space would cause problems... this was related to the bug correction of version 1.10 - Thanks to David Fishburn for finding this (he was lucky). - Changed the way this script set the 'formatoptions' setting, now it uses '-=' and '+=' - New option: PHP_autoformatcomment (defaults to 1), if set to 0 the 'formatoptions' setting will not be altered. - When PHP_autoformatcomment is not 0, the 'comments' setting is set to the type of comments that PHP supports. Changes: 1.19 - Indentation of '*/' delimiter of '/**/' won't be broken by strings or '//' comments containing the "/*" character sequence. Changes: 1.182 - I Forgot to register 'interface' and 'abstract' as block starters so the '{' after them could be wrongly indented... Changes: 1.181 - I Forgot to register 'class' as a block starter so the '{' after a 'class' could be wrongly indented... Changes: 1.18 - No more problems with Vim 6.3 and UTF-8. - Opening braces "{" are always indented according to their block starter. Instead of: if( $test && $test2 ) { } You have: if( $test && $test2 ) { } Changes: 1.17 - Now following parts of split lines are indented: Instead of: $foo= "foo" ."foo"; You have: $foo= "foo" ."foo"; - If a "case : break;" was declared on a single line, the following "case" was not indented correctly. - If a </script> html tag was preceded by a "?>" it wasn't indented. - Some other minor corrections and improvements. Changes: 1.16 - Now starting and ending '*' of multiline '/* */' comments are aligned on the '*' of the '/*' comment starter. - Some code improvements that make indentation faster. Changes: 1.15 - Corrected some problems with the indentation of multiline "array()" declarations. Changes: 1.14 - Added auto-formatting for comments (using the Vim option formatoptions=qroc). - Added the script option PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel to indent the '{' and '}' at the same level than the code they contain. Changes: 1.13 - Some code cleaning and typo corrections (Thanks to Emanuele Giaquinta for his patches) Changes: 1.12 - The bug involving searchpair() and utf-8 encoding in Vim 6.3 will not make this script to hang but you'll have to be careful to not write '/* */' comments with other '/*' inside the comments else the indentation won't be correct. NOTE: This is true only if you are using utf-8 and vim 6.3. Changes: 1.11 - If the "case" of a "switch" wasn't alone on its line and if the "switch" was at col 0 (or at default indenting) the lines following the "case" were not indented. Changes: 1.10 - Lines beginning by a single or double quote were not indented in some cases. Changes: 1.09 - JavaScript code was not always directly indented. Changes: 1.08 - End comment tags '*/' are indented like start tags '/*'. - When typing a multiline comment, '}' are indented according to other commented '{'. - Added a new option 'PHP_removeCRwhenUnix' to automatically remove CR at end of lines when the file format is Unix. - Changed the file format of this very file to Unix. - This version seems to correct several issues some people had with 1.07. Changes: 1.07 - Added support for "Here document" tags: - HereDoc end tags are indented properly. - HereDoc content remains unchanged. - All the code that is outside PHP delimiters remains unchanged. - New feature: The content of <script.*> html tags is considered as PHP and indented according to the surrounding PHP code. - "else if" are detected as "elseif". - Multiline /**/ are indented when the user types it but remain unchanged when indenting from their beginning. - Fixed indenting of // and # comments. - php_sync_method option is set to 0 (fromstart). This is required for complex PHP scripts else the indent may fail. - Files with non PHP code at the beginning could alter the indent of the following PHP code. - Other minor improvements and corrections. Changes: 1.06: - Switch block were no longer indented correctly... - Added an option to use a default indenting instead of 0. (whereas I still can't find any good reason to use it!) - A problem with ^\s*);\= lines where ending a non '{}' structure. - Changed script local variable to be buffer local variable instead. Changes: 1.05: - Lines containing "<?php ?>" and "?> <?php" (start and end tag on the same line) are no longer indented at col 1 but as normal code. Changes: 1.04: - Strings containing "//" could break the indenting algorithm. - When a '{}' block was at col 1, the second line of the block was not indented at all (because of a stupid optimization coupled with a bug). Changes: 1.03: - Some indenting problems corrected: end of non '{}' structures was not detected in some cases. The part of code concerned have been re-written - PHP start tags were not indented at col 1 - Wrong comment in the code have been corrected Changes: 1.02: - The bug I was talking about in version 1.01 (right below) has been corrected :) - Also corrected another bug that could occur in some special cases. - I removed the debug mode left in 1.01 that could cause some Vim messages at loading if other script were bugged. Changes: 1.01: - Some little bug corrections regarding automatic optimized mode that missed some tests and could break the indenting. - There is also a problem with complex non bracketed structures, when several else are following each other, the algorithm do not indent the way it should. That will be corrected in the next version.
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