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** TOUCHE 4.00 BETA 1 **
** **
** Copyright (c) John Wellesz 2001 - 2003 **
** All rights Reserved. **

TOUCHE 4.00 readme file:

To know more about the new features, look at the file Whatsnew.txt.

NOTE: Some parts of this English section has been traduced by "Google", I have just read it once and corrected some strange sentences, but it's still odd, sorry but I hope it remains comprehensible. ;-)

This program is freeware and it is given "as is" without any guaranties of any kind, you use it at your own risks, the author (John Wellesz) can't be taken for responsible of any damage causes by the direct or indirect use of TOUCHE.

NOTE that at release time this program has no known bugs, if you find some please CONTACT ME (https://www.2072productions.com/?to=emailwebmaster.php ).

NOTE: "CASIO" is a trader mark of Casio Computer Co. Ltd.


This program is under the international laws of Copyright, so you cannot modify or reverse engineer it and you cannot distribute it without my consent. If you want to distribute this program on your web site I just ask you to put the link of this site (https://www.2072productions.com) which launches the download and not a direct link to the archive (it's for statistics !). Thank You very much to use this program !

Enjoy !

A) Information of installations:

Files TOUCHE2.exe t_explor.exe MATHS_ap.exe T_text.dat must be in the same directory.

File TOUCHE.lec contains files TOUCHE2.exe t_explor.exe MATHS_ap.exe T_text.dat, this .lec file must be used with Flash Editor of Leadfiner.

The file TOUCHE.cdr contains the same file than the .lec one but must be used with FlashCOM of Libthium.

The file TOUCHE2.cfx still contains the same three files (since version 3.7),
you must use it with the program CASIO Add-in Installer from CASIO. This will automatically create a shortcut in the main menu of your calculator, it works like any other CFX add-in software from CASIO. New users should use this file because it is easier.

T_text.dat is the file containing all the texts of TOUCHE2.exe and MATHS_ap.exe. This file can be modified (information on this process is there inside).

The PREPTXT.bat file makes it possible to update T_text.dat.

1 - Description of the inputs of the principal menu A - "1: TOUCHE"
B - "2: ASCII value"
C - "3: Date and Time"
D - "4: Files ops"
E - "5: Flash Utils"
F - "6: Memory ops"
G - "7: Ports read/write"
H - "8: Maths utils"
I - "9: Screen info"
J - "A: Games"
K - "B: Explorer"
L - "C: Formulaires"
M - "D: Graphic tests"
N - "E: General help"
O - "F: Memory pictures"
P - "G: Memory zone info"
Q - password protection info.
R - Remerciements.

A - " 1: TOUCHE"

This returns the ASCII code and the "scan code" of each key that you hit.
Since the version 3.5 you can have information on multiple key press, through the port 0x13.
And have information about the data read at the absolute memory addresses 0x4ac 0x4ad 0x4ae 0x4af.

For the port thing, it provides the different values read to the port 0x13 and the values that have been written to the port before read it, the values are written both in hexadecimal and binary (useful to know the row and column of the keys).

The info on ASCII value and bioskey value are still given.

Note that all these info are written in one single screen, below is what you can see on the screen of your calc if you push [X]:

*You Pressed 'A' (65)*
*Key scancode (7745)*
*Casio Key: [X]*
*4A-c -d -e -f *
* 40 00 40 1e *
*Global = 1E400040 *
*P-13h: 40 |rows=0000 *
*01000000 00001000000 *

Press simply a key, to leave press 2 times on [ ESC ].

B - " 2: ASCII value"

This function enables you to see the ASCII table available as well as the special characters of the computer (Characters preceded by 0xF6 or 0xF7)
The arrows up and down go down or go up of a line while left and right move of 7 lines.
[F2] gives access to you directly a character by typing a hexadecimal value.

C - " 3: Date and Time"

This function allows you to see and set the hour and the current date.
Since version 3.7, you have access to the real clock of the calculator, which is very accurate.

You can have detailed information on the current date pressing the key [I] (just press F2 to enter another date).

The limits of the date you can enter are from the 01/01/1583 (date of birth of our calendar)
to the 12/31/11760803 (end of the 32bits world date).

Exemple: Below is the information given on the date 07/26/27812 :

07-July/26/27812 *
is on a Sunday *
9580152 D. -> 1583 * //9580152 passed since 01/01/1583.
Day in year: 208 *
Week number: 30 *
It's a leap year *
F1: enter a date *

D - " 4: Files ops "

This function allows you:

- To search for files in the root directory of each drive and to obtain information on each one of them such as size, the hour and the date and attributes.
- To view the contents of the files.
- To compute the CRC 32 of a file (the same than PKZIP).
- To launch (COM and EXE) with arguments.

[F1]: give information to obtain the characters ': ', ' \ ', ' * '.
[F3]: allows to seek the files and to obtain information:
Type the name of the file that you want to seek, the generic characters are authorized.
Example: '*.*'; 'a:\*.*' 'a:\*.bat' etc

To see the following file press on a key (except [ESC]).
To see the contents of the file hit [F2].

You can also view the file has a BMP image or in the calc video format.

To compute the CRC of the file just press [C] when in the [F3] menu.

[F4]: launches a program by typing its complete path.
Example: "L:\touche.exe 0 NOSPLASH" (arguments can be used).

E - "5: Flash Utils "

Using this app you can:
- Erase a flash drive (L to Q except the drive where TOUCHE is installed).
- Erase a segment (0 to 18 except segments that are part of TOUCHE's drive).
- See which flash drive are used and by what type of data (ROM-DOS or CASIO).
- Map a flash drive or segment to a RAM address (>=0x6000:0x0), example map the drive L to 0x6000:0 till 0x7FFF:0xF.

F - "6: Memory ops"

This function allows you:

- To view the whole memory (of your computer (not whole) or calculator).

- Press [F1], use the arrows right and left to move of a character and the arrows up and down to move of a screen. Press [F2] going at an address specifies and enter an address into hexadecimal.
Since version 3.7 you can have a cursor displayed pressing the key [C], which enables you to see the address and hexadecimal value of a particular character.

In bottom of the screen the address of the last printed (bottom right of the screen) character like its ASCII code is displayed.

- To seek, replace and write character strings.

- To seek character strings:

Support on [F2] and type the character string to be sought
(To type a character inaccessible to the keyboard support on
[F6] and type its ASCII code into decimal (3 digits)). Then support on [ EXE ] if you want to replace the character string by another type it, if not support on [ ESC ]. Finally type the start address of search.

The fact of pressing on a key during search will display the address in progress. To cancel search support on [ESC].

- To write a character string:

Support on [F5], type the maximum number of characters which you want to see to be displayed with the screen then support on [EXE] then on [ F2 ] selecting the address memory where you want to write then support on [ EXE ] then enter your character string and support hard [ EXE ] to write it or on [ ESC ] for all canceling. Note: you can also use the cursor to select the address where you want to write:
enable the cursor pressing [C] then move it on the address of your choice and press [EXE] and write your string.

- To seek, replace and write numerical values of 8 bits
(0-255), 16 bits (0-65535) or 32 bits (0-4294967295).

The functions of search and writing work in the same way that for the character strings except which you must specify the type of value that you want to use 8bits, 16bits or 32 bits.

You can also compute CRC 32 between 2 address.

NOTE: You can write to the flash but when replacing it cannot replace values found in flash.

G "7: Ports read/write"

This function makes it possible to read and write in the ports of communication of the Casio (or of your PC):
Support on [F2] displaying the value of a port or move you with the arrows.
Support on [F3] writing in a port, after you've written the bytes you can increase or decrease it using the left and right arrows.

H "8: Math utils."

Here you have access to several small utilities of arithmetic:
- [F1] search the factors first of a number and calculates all its dividers (this last function is quasi instantaneous once the finished decomposition).
- [F2] converts an entered number in bases 2 to 36 in any other base (bases 2, 16 or 24481 for example...)
- [F3] made the Euclidean division of a number (remain always positive), negative number can be entered.
- [F4] finds the PGCD and the PPCM of a number by using in detail the algorithm of Euclid.

Follow the indications that are displayed on the screen: the keys on which it is necessary to press are between hooks ([]).

I "9: Miscellaneaous information"

This gives you various information about the calc:
- The Batteries 'state.
- DS segment's address.
- Free memoy available for TOUCHE.
- Free memory available for user (for basic files etc...).
- Your ROM version.
- The "Auto Power off" time that you can also change from here.

J "a: Games"

This menu contains a game ("FORMULA 1").


With launching, the autopilot is activated; support on [D]
unselect it. You move by using the arrows left and right, (up and increase or reduce speed).
[ L ] allows to regulate the width of the road.
[ S ] allows to regulate speed (0 very fast 25000 speed by defect).
[ H ] Only when autopilot is on : display the highest scores.
[ P ] or [ F1 ] pause plays.

K " b: Explorer "

This is a browser of file with starting it scans all the drives L: to Q: and displays all the executable ones (* exe).
[F1] allows to choose the drives to scan.
[F2] allows to choose the type of file to be found (* exe by defect).
[F3] enables you to view and have info on the file content.
within this menu you can push the key [C] to compute the CRC 32 of the file.
Note that this CRC 32 is the same than the one given by PKZIP.
[F5] launches the function " 4 file ops " of the principal menu.

You can use the LEFT ARROW keys and right to jump of a page.
[optn] and [^] move up and down the page of 1 line without changed the cursor position.

And of course [EXE] but also [F6] execute the selected entry.

L " C: Forms "

This function gathers 7 forms extracted from the libraries of basic programs which one can be found in the Graph60 (or CFX-9940GT+).
[1]: Limits.
[2]: Derivatives.
[3]: Primitives.
[4]: Exponential & Napierian logarithm.
[5]: Trigo.
[6]: Constants.
[7]: See All.
[8]: Optique

Use the arrows high and low to change page.
use [F2] to go to a wanted page.

You can add your own forms editing the file T_Text.dat see how directly in it and look at the Whatsnew.txt file (new in 3.30).

M " D: Graphic tests "

Here you can carry out some graphic tests:
the address of the video memory of the computer in court is displayed in bottom.
CAUTION: If you to carry out these tests on your PC they will not go and will (maybe) make crash your computer (winnedauwes 98).

[1]: invert word by word.
[2]: fills the screen pixel by pixel with an inline function written in language ASM using the discovery of Whyp on direct access in memory.
[3]: fill the screen with random pixels.
[4]: draw a fractal on the screen.
[5]: Draws beautiful lines.

Put time is indicated, once that the screen east fills press on a key to see it.

N- "E" General help:
Keys help on different items of TOUCHE. Works in the same way than the Formularies.

O - "F: Memory pictures"
This function allows you to view the whole memory in the same way than a picture, you can move with the arrows.

F1 gives you your current memory position (address).
F2 allow to type a memory address.
The left and right arrows move one byte, up and down move 1024 bytes, the keys [^] and [optn] move 256 bytes.

In fact this funtion changes the current video buffer of the AFX.
P - "G: Memory Zone info"

This function(office) allows you to obtain information about memory zones (basic files etc...)
Such as their password (if BASIC files), size, addresses in RAM.
Also allows to calculate the CRC 32 of the contents of the memory zone (the same that PKZIP).
While you are seeing the information, you can press on the touch [6] to find you directly in Memory ops, the memory viewer is directly placed at the address of the memory zone.

[F1] Display the help.
[F2] changes the current type of zone (basic files are in zone 1).
[F3] Create a new zone.
[F4] changes the size of a zone.
[F5] rename, changes the type of a zone (moves it).
[F6] Copies a memory zone in the current type or in an other one.
[DEL] Delete a memory zone.
[.] Loads all the basic files from flash to RAM (There must be less tha 128000 bytes of files).
[X10X] Saves all the basic files to flash. (The drive Q must be empty).

Note : To remove the password of a basic file, press {f2] the [ESC].

Q - password protection info

- An optional invisible password at start of TOUCHE This password can only be set from your computer editing the string 312 of the file T_Text.dat ; if this string is empty TOUCHE will start normally without asking anything. But if this string contains characters (these letters can only be key that you can enter directly from your keyboard [0-9 , A-L, ...]) at start TOUCHE will not display anything (letting the screen in is current state). It will wait for the characters contained in the string 312. So at this state the user doesn't know that he is confronted to a password. If the key are pressed in the right order the program will run normally. But else the program will quit immediately letting the last key pressed in the buffer ; so if TOUCHE was executed from the main menu the first key who will be wrong will execute the associated application.

WARNING: If you edit T_text.dat DO NOT forget to run PREPTXT.bat else TOUCHE may not run correctly.

R - Thanks

Thanks to:

- Bugbug et Dscoshpe pour avoir été les premiers a diffuser TOUCHE sur leur site avant la création de 2072productions.com.
- Bugbug sans qui je n'aurais probablement pas acheté de Graph 100...
- Dscoshpe (Walter Hanau) et Brad Normand pour CALYPSO.
- Brad Normand pour ces informations sur les ports matériels et toutes ses découvertes sur la G100.
- Leadfiner pour Flash Editor.
- Libthium pour FlashCOM.
- Sùpern@ pour CFX Maker pro.
- Whyp (Olivier Coupelon) pour ses routines graphiques.
- Jarek 'Roeoender' Wosik pour sa fonction point() utilisée dans les tests graphiques et pour sa fonction line utilisée dans Beautiful lines1.
- Swifter pour avoir découvert comment gérer l'extinction auto des batteries.
- Job et Superna pour leur découverte du test de batteries.
- Merci à tous les membres de graph100.com et de ucnetwork.com pour leur soutient et leurs encouragements.

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